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General Terms and Conditions of Business

§ 1 Scope of the con­di­ti­ons

SAH’s sup­p­lies, ser­vices and quo­ta­ti­ons are pro­vi­ded ex­clu­si­ve­ly on the ba­sis of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of busi­ness. The­se thus al­so ap­p­ly to all fu­ture busi­ness re­la­ti­ons­hips, even if they are not ex­pli­cit­ly agreed again. The­se con­di­ti­ons count as ha­ving be­en ac­cep­ted on re­ce­ipt of the goods or ser­vices, if not ear­lier. Coun­ter-con­fir­ma­ti­on by the purcha­ser with re­fe­rence to its busi­ness and/or purcha­sing con­di­ti­ons is her­e­with con­tra­dic­ted. Any agree­ments at va­ri­an­ce with the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of busi­ness on­ly be­co­me an ele­ment of the contract if SAH con­firms them in wri­ting.

All agree­ments re­ached bet­ween SAH and the purcha­ser in con­nec­tion with exe­cu­ting the contract must be re­cor­ded in wri­ting.

§ 2 Ma­king quo­ta­ti­ons and en­te­ring in­to contracts

SAH quo­ta­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge and are not le­gal­ly bin­ding. De­cla­ra­ti­ons of ac­cep­tan­ce and all or­ders must be con­fir­med by SAH by let­ter or fax in or­der for them to be le­gal­ly ef­fec­tive.

Drawings, il­lus­tra­ti­ons, mea­su­re­ments, weights and other per­for­mance da­ta are on­ly le­gal­ly bin­ding if that has be­en ex­pli­cit­ly agreed in wri­ting.

SAH sa­les em­ployees are not aut­ho­ri­sed to reach, oral­ly, sup­ple­men­ta­ry agree­ments or to ma­ke oral pro­mi­ses that go bey­ond the con­tent of writ­ten contracts.

§ 3 Pri­ces

Un­less so­me­thing el­se has be­en agreed, SAH holds to the pri­ces con­tai­ned in its quo­ta­ti­ons for 30 days from the dates of ma­king them. It is, in any ca­se, the pri­ces spe­ci­fied by SAH in the or­der con­fir­ma­ti­on, plus tur­no­ver tax at the ra­te ap­p­lica­ble by law, which are de­fi­ni­ti­ve. Ad­di­tio­nal de­li­ve­ries and ser­vices are in­voiced se­pa­ra­te­ly.

Pro­vi­ded not­hing el­se has be­en agreed pri­ces are FOB wareh­ou­se (place).

If the cust­o­m­er and SAH ha­ve en­t­e­red in­to a mas­ter contract (per­ma­nent debt ob­li­ga­ti­on), SAH has the right to in­crea­se or lo­wer pri­ces to the extent that the "scrap and al­loy­ing sup­ple­men­t” chan­ges. In so far as a pe­ri­od of 4 months and mo­re el­ap­ses bet­ween the en­te­ring in­to of the contract and the de­li­very of the steel, SAH has the right to in­crea­se the pri­ce in the con­text of any pos­si­ble in­crea­se in the "scrap and al­loy­ing sup­ple­men­t”. This ap­p­lies to in­di­vi­du­al contracts.

In the ca­se of the busi­ness ha­ving be­en writ­ten in a for­eign cur­ren­cy, the con­ver­si­on ta­kes place – at SAH’s op­ti­on – by ta­king the ex­ch­an­ge ra­te of­fi­ci­al­ly an­noun­ced by the Deut­sche Bun­des­bank at the ti­me of en­te­ring in­to the contract or at the date of de­li­very. The purcha­ser be­ars the ex­ch­an­ge risk. In the event of the purcha­ser being a Ger­man le­gal en­t­i­ty and a debt ha­ving be­en ex­pres­sed in a for­eign cur­ren­cy, the purcha­ser must – at its own ex­pen­se – ob­tain the ne­cessa­ry ap­pro­vals of the Deut­sche Bun­des­bank. If the purcha­ser is un­able to com­ply with the agreed me­thod of pay­ment, then it is ob­li­ged to ma­ke the pay­ment by wha­te­ver me­thod is cho­sen by SAH.

§ 4 Ti­me li­mits for de­li­very and per­for­mance

De­li­very dead­lines and/or pe­ri­ods for de­li­very, which may be agreed with or wi­thout le­gal­ly bin­ding force, must be in wri­ting. A pe­ri­od for de­li­very be­gins, at the ear­liest, when the or­der is con­fir­med.

SAH does not ha­ve to be an­s­wer­a­ble – even in the ca­se of pe­ri­ods and dead­lines that ha­ve be­en agreed with le­gal­ly bin­ding force – for de­lays in de­li­very and per­for­mance be­cau­se of force ma­jeu­re and be­cau­se of events that ma­ke de­li­very for the ven­dor sub­stan­ti­al­ly mo­re dif­fi­cult over qui­te so­me pe­ri­od of ti­me or in­de­ed im­pos­si­ble (in­clu­ding in this, in par­ti­cu­lar, strikes, lock-outs, of­fi­ci­al di­rec­tives and so on), in­clu­ding if such events in­ter­fe­re with the per­for­man­ces of SAH’s sup­p­liers or their upstream sup­p­liers. Such events ju­s­ti­fy SAH in post­po­n­ing its de­li­very and/or per­for­mance by the pe­ri­od of re­stric­tion plus an ap­pro­pria­te start-up pe­ri­od, or in wi­th­drawing whol­ly or par­ti­al­ly from the contract on ac­count of the part the­re­of that has not yet be­en ful­fil­led.

If the pe­ri­od of re­stric­tion lasts lon­ger than three months, the purcha­ser has the right – af­ter an ap­pro­pria­te pe­ri­od of gra­ce has be­en set – to wi­th­draw from the contract in re­spect of the part of it that has not yet be­en ful­fil­led. The purcha­ser may not de­ri­ve any claims for com­pen­sa­ti­on in da­mages if the ti­me for de­li­very is ex­ten­ded or if SAH be­co­mes free of its ob­li­ga­ti­on to de­li­ver. SAH may on­ly ap­peal to the cir­cum­stan­ces spe­ci­fied if it has in­for­med the purcha­ser im­me­dia­te­ly of their exis­tence.

If SAH must an­s­wer for non-com­p­li­an­ce with de­li­very pe­ri­ods and dead­lines pro­mi­sed with le­gal­ly bin­ding force, or is be­hind with its de­li­ve­ries, the purcha­ser has a claim for com­pen­sa­ti­on for da­ma­ge re­sul­ting from de­lay of 0.5% for each week of de­lay com­ple­ted, but for an over­all ma­xi­mum of up to 5% of the in­voice va­lue of the de­li­very and per­for­mance af­fec­ted by the de­lay. Claims go­ing over and above that are ru­led out, un­less the de­lay is at least ba­sed on gross ne­gli­gence on the part of SAH.

SAH has the right at any ti­me to ma­ke part de­li­ve­ries and ren­der par­ti­al per­for­man­ces, un­less such part de­li­ve­ries and par­ti­al per­for­man­ces are of no in­te­rest to the purcha­ser.

SAH’s com­p­li­an­ce with its ob­li­ga­ti­ons to de­li­ver and per­form pre­sup­po­ses that the purcha­ser has ful­fil­led its ob­li­ga­ti­ons pro­per­ly and in good ti­me.

If the purcha­ser falls be­hind in ac­cep­tan­ce, then SAH has the right to de­mand reim­bur­se­ment of the loss ari­sing for it. The risk of ac­ci­den­tal de­te­rio­ra­ti­on and of ac­ci­den­tal de­struc­tion pas­ses to the purcha­ser when de­lay in ac­cep­tan­ce oc­curs. SAH has the right in the ca­se of de­lay in ac­cep­tan­ce – af­ter set­ting a two-week pe­ri­od of gra­ce – eit­her to as­sert the purcha­se pri­ce wi­thout the purcha­ser being able to ma­ke a plea for a "step by ste­p” pro­cess, or to wi­th­draw from the contract and/or to de­mand com­pen­sa­ti­on in da­mages on ac­count of non-ful­fil­ment the­re­of. SAH has the right to do that, wi­thout set­ting any pe­ri­od of gra­ce, in the ca­se of pay­ment being sus­pen­ded, or of the purcha­ser be­co­m­ing in­sol­vent or bur­de­ned by ex­ces­si­ve debt.

§ 5 Pas­sa­ge of risk

Risk pas­ses to the purcha­ser as so­on as a ship­ment has be­en han­ded over to the le­gal en­t­i­ty car­ry­ing out trans­por­ta­ti­on, or has left SAH’s wareh­ou­se for the pur­po­ses of ship­ment. If des­patch is de­lay­ed at the purcha­ser’s re­quest, then risk pas­ses on SAH’s no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on to the purcha­ser that the goods are re­a­dy to des­patch. De­li­ve­ries are on­ly in­su­red on the ex­press wish of the purcha­ser and for its ac­count. Costs of trans­por­ta­ti­on are for the purcha­ser’s ac­count.

§ 6 Rights of the purcha­ser on ac­count of de­fects

Goods are de­li­ver­ed free of de­fects in the ma­te­ri­als and the fa­bri­ca­ting pro­ces­ses con­cer­ned. Claims on ac­count of de­fects must be as­ser­ted wi­t­hin one ye­ar of goods ha­ving be­en de­li­ver­ed.

The purcha­ser must in­form SAH about de­fects in wri­ting im­me­dia­te­ly, but at the la­test wi­t­hin one week of the ar­ri­val of the goods con­cer­ned. With re­gard to de­fects that it is not pos­si­ble to dis­co­ver – even in the ca­se of ca­re­ful che­cking – wi­t­hin that pe­ri­od, the­se must be re­por­ted to SAH im­me­dia­te­ly they are dis­co­ver­ed.

§ 7 Re­ten­ti­on of tit­le

Un­til all claims (in­clu­ding all ba­lan­ce claims on cur­rent ac­count) on the purcha­ser to which SAH is en­t­it­led on wha­te­ver le­gal ba­sis now or in the fu­ture ha­ve be­en sett­led, the fol­lo­wing se­cu­ri­ties are gran­ted to SAH that it will re­lease on re­quest at its op­ti­on to the extent that their va­lue per­sis­tent­ly ex­ceeds the va­lue of the claims by mo­re than 20%.

The goods re­main SAH’s pro­per­ty. Pro­ces­sing or trans­for­ming them is al­ways un­der­ta­ken for SAH as ma­nu­fac­tu­rer, but wi­thout ob­li­ga­ti­on for SAH. If SAH’s (joint) ow­nership is extin­gu­is­hed as a re­sult of com­poun­ding, then it is he­re and now agreed that the purcha­ser’s (joint) ow­nership in the in­te­gra­ted goods pas­ses over to SAH in pro­por­ti­on to its (in­voice) va­lue. The purcha­ser safe­guards SAH’s (joint) ow­nership at no char­ge. Goods to which SAH has (joint) ow­nership en­t­it­le­ment are de­scri­bed be­low as goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le.

The purcha­ser has the right to pro­cess and dis­po­se of goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le in the pro­per cour­se of busi­ness, pro­vi­ding it is not in ar­re­ars. Hy­po­the­ca­ti­ons or trans­fers of ow­nership by way of se­cu­ri­ty are not al­lo­wed. The purcha­ser he­re and now as­signs on ac­count of se­cu­ri­ty any claims ari­sing from on­ward sa­le or on any other le­gal ba­sis (in­suran­ce, un­aut­ho­ri­sed hand­ling) in re­la­ti­on to the goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le (in­clu­ding all ba­lan­ce claims on cur­rent ac­count) com­ple­te­ly to SAH. SAH gi­ves the purcha­ser ir­re­vo­ca­ble aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on to collect in its own na­me the claims as­si­gned to SAH for its ac­count. This aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on to collect may on­ly be re­vo­ked if the purcha­ser does not com­ply pro­per­ly with its pay­ment ob­li­ga­ti­ons.

In the ca­se of third par­ties ob­tai­ning ac­cess to the goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le, and es­pe­cial­ly in the ca­se of le­vies of exe­cu­ti­on, the purcha­ser will draw at­ten­ti­on to SAH’s ow­nership and in­form SAH im­me­dia­te­ly so that the lat­ter may en­force its right of ow­nership. To the extent that the third par­ty is not in a po­si­ti­on to reim­bur­se SAH for wha­te­ver court or out-of-court costs may ari­se for it in this con­nec­tion, the purcha­ser is lia­ble for such costs.

In the ca­se of be­ha­viour by the purcha­ser in breach of contract, and es­pe­cial­ly in the ca­se of de­lay in pay­ment, SAH has the right to wi­th­draw from the contract and to de­mand back the goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le. SAH may, in this ca­se, im­me­dia­te­ly de­mand of the purcha­ser a lis­ting of the goods that are still in exis­tence and un­der re­ten­ti­on of tit­le by SAH, and al­so of the extent to which they are being pro­ces­sed. No wi­th­dra­wal from the contract is in­vol­ved in the ta­king back or in the le­vy­ing of exe­cu­ti­on of goods sold sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of tit­le by SAH.

§ 8 Pay­ment

Un­less so­me­thing el­se has be­en agreed, SAH’s in­voices are due for pay­ment wi­t­hin 10 days of sub­mis­si­on of in­voice with 1% cash dis­count or net wi­t­hin 30 days the­re­of. SAH has the right, de­s­pi­te any con­tra­ry sti­pu­la­ti­ons by the purcha­ser, to set pay­ments off first against its ol­der debts. SAH will in­form the purcha­ser of the man­ner of the set-off that has be­en ef­fec­ted. If costs and in­te­rest ha­ve al­re­a­dy ari­sen, then SAH has the right to set the pay­ment off first against the costs, then against the in­te­rest, and fi­nal­ly against the prin­ci­pal per­for­mance.
Any pay­ment on­ly counts as ha­ving be­en ma­de when SAH is able to dis­po­se of the sum con­cer­ned. In the ca­se of che­ques, pay­ment on­ly counts as ha­ving be­en ma­de when the che­que has be­en credi­ted to SAH’s ac­count.

If the purcha­ser falls in­to ar­re­ars, then SAH has the right to de­mand in­te­rest from the point in ti­me con­cer­ned on­wards at the ra­te of 8% above the ba­sic ra­te of in­te­rest, as a flat-ra­te reim­bur­se­ment of loss. The in­te­rest is to be set lo­wer if the purcha­ser pro­ves that the bur­den for SAH was ligh­ter, whi­le it is ad­mis­si­ble for SAH to pro­ve that its loss was hig­her.

If cir­cum­stan­ces that bring the purcha­ser’s credit-wort­hi­ness in­to ques­ti­on be­co­me known to SAH, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly if the purcha­ser dis­ho­no­urs a che­que or dis­con­ti­nues its pay­ments, then SAH has the right ma­ke the ent­i­re ba­lan­ce owing im­me­dia­te­ly due for pay­ment, even if it has ac­cep­ted che­ques. In this ca­se SAH has the ad­di­tio­nal right to de­mand pay­ments in ad­van­ce or pro­vi­si­on for se­cu­ri­ty. Sen­te­ce 1 and 2 ap­p­lies al­so if our credit in­suran­ce de­cli­nes the co­ver­age of the pay­ment re­quest against the cust­o­m­er due to lack of credit-wort­hi­ness or due to ex­ceed the in­su­red ca­pi­tal.

The purcha­ser on­ly has the right to set off, and rights of re­ten­ti­on or aba­te­ment - even when com­plaints about de­fects or coun­ter claims ha­ve be­en as­ser­ted - if the coun­ter­claims ha­ve be­en es­ta­blis­hed with le­gal force or are un­con­tested. The purcha­ser does, howe­ver, al­so ha­ve the right of re­ten­ti­on on ac­count of coun­ter­claims ari­sing from the sa­me contrac­tu­al re­la­ti­ons­hip.

§ 9 Chan­ges in de­sign

SAH re­ser­ves the right to un­der­ta­ke chan­ges in de­sign at any ti­me. It is not, howe­ver, ob­li­ged to un­der­ta­ke such chan­ges in re­spect of pro­ducts that ha­ve al­re­a­dy be­en de­li­ver­ed.

§ 10 Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty

Un­less so­me­thing el­se has be­en ex­pli­cit­ly agreed in wri­ting, in­for­ma­ti­on pas­sed over to SAH in con­nec­tion with the or­der does not count as con­fi­den­ti­al.

§ 11 Lia­bi­li­ty

Claims for com­pen­sa­ti­on in da­mages are, ir­re­spec­tive of the ty­pe of breach of du­ty in­clu­ding un­aut­ho­ri­sed acts, ex­clu­ded un­less in­ten­tio­nal or gross­ly ne­gli­gent ac­tion is in­vol­ved.

In the ca­se of breach of sub­stan­ti­al contrac­tu­al du­ties, SAH is lia­ble for any ne­gli­gence but on­ly up to the le­vel of da­ma­ge that could ha­ve be­en fo­re­se­en. Claims for lost pro­fit, for ex­pen­ditu­re not in­cur­red ari­sing from third par­ty claims for com­pen­sa­ti­on in da­mages, and claims for other in­di­rect and con­se­quen­ti­al da­mages may not be de­man­ded, un­less so­me cha­rac­te­ris­tic fea­ture gua­ran­te­ed by SAH has as its ob­ject the guar­ding of the purcha­ser against such da­ma­ge.

The lia­bi­li­ty re­stric­tions and ex­clu­si­ons of pa­ra­graphs 1) and 2) above do not ap­p­ly for claims that ha­ve ari­sen on ac­count of ma­li­cious be­ha­viour on the part of the ven­dor, nor in the ca­se of any lia­bi­li­ty for gua­ran­te­ed cha­rac­te­ris­tic fea­tures, for claims un­der the pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty law and for da­mages ari­sing from vio­la­ti­on of life, the bo­dy or health.

To the extent that SAH’s lia­bi­li­ty is ex­clu­ded or re­stric­ted, the sa­me ap­p­lies to its em­ployees, workers, re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves and vi­ca­rious agents.

§ 12 Ap­p­lica­ble law, place of ju­ris­dic­tion, par­ti­al nul­li­ty

The law of the Fe­deral Re­pu­blic of Ger­ma­ny ap­p­lies to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of busi­ness and to the ent­i­re le­gal re­la­ti­ons­hip bet­ween SAH and the purcha­ser. The pro­vi­si­ons of the UN Purcha­sing Law do not ap­p­ly and are ex­press­ly ru­led out.

In so far as the purcha­ser is a mer­chant, le­gal en­t­i­ty un­der pu­blic law or spe­cial fund in terms of pu­blic law, Traun­stein is the ex­clu­si­ve place of ju­ris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes re­sul­ting di­rect­ly or in­di­rect­ly from the contrac­tu­al re­la­ti­ons­hip.

Should any pro­vi­si­on in the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of busi­ness or any pro­vi­si­on in the con­text of other agree­ments be or be­co­me in­ef­fec­tive, then the ef­fec­tiven­ess of all other pro­vi­si­ons or agree­ments are not af­fec­ted the­r­e­by.


Sta­tus No­vem­ber 2008




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