HSRS Maximum Strength Capacity System Components


Our HSRS® fea­tures an in­crea­sed yield and ul­ti­ma­te strength capacity, well above commonly used reinforcing materials. This in­crea­sed strength capacity, along with available large diameter bar sizes, enables the con­struc­tion of slen­der yet sta­ble struc­tu­ral ele­ments.

By optimizing the necessary quantity of reinforcing steel, the modular system can help decongest heavily reinforced structural members. This can allow for reductions on wall and columns sizes, which would lead to an increase in sellable living space.

The maximum strength capacity system's main components are:

  1.  The Thread Bar, continous rolled-in deformations, cut to desired length, with no aditional machining required.
  2. The Mechanical Couplers, thread component that developes 125% of it tensil capacity as required per code, helps eliminate lap splices, good welding performance and easy to install and control. Transition  couplers available.
  3. The Accesories: Anchorage pieces, Nuts, Terminators, among others. All thread accesories capable of developing the full ultimate capacity of the respective bar sizes. Tolerances are provided for alignment and handling of the bars.



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